Red Oak Tree 5-6ft Tall in 10L pots
Other common names Red oak American red oak
Synonyms Quercus borealis
Family Fagaceae
Genus Quercus can be deciduous or evergreen trees or shrubs, with entire, lobed or toothed leaves; flowers inconspicuous, followed by characteristic acorns; sometimes good autumn colour
Details Q. rubra is a fast-growing large deciduous tree with an open, spreading crown and broad leaves to 22cm in length, turning red or red-brown in autumn. Flowers greenish, inconspicuous
Plant range E North America
Ultimate height Higher than 12 metres
Ultimate spread Wider than 8 metres
Time to ultimate height 20-50 years
The second picture shows one of the actual trees we have in stock as of august 2020
Please note: your item might differ slightly from the photo due to the nature of the product as well as the time of year.