3 Cornus Sanguinea - Red Dogwood 3-4ft tall
3 Cornus sanguinea - Red Dogwood - You will receive three plants
A popular garden shrub which provides a white bloom and attracts insects in the spring, followed by berries which provide food for birds.
Red stemmed dogwood has creamy, white flowers in Spring, followed by blue/white berries, with oval dark green leaves, which redden in Autumn, and then fall to reveal the gorgeous brightly coloured stems.
They look great with other species in a mixed hedge or standing on their own. Red dogwoods are very hardy and do well in sunny sites or partial shade and especially in moist areas. They are also very good in front of an evergreen hedge where normally nutrients, water and sunlight would be in short supply.
Robins and mistle thrushes love the berries in late Summer/early Autumn.
These dogwoods are around 3-4ft tall and supplied without pots, they do come with soil around the roots. They can be planted out at any time of the year.
They have a single stem. Side branches will grow in their own time or can be encouraged by cutting back the main stem.